Animoca Brands has entered into a strategic partnership with Futureverse, a meta-universe infrastructure company, to advance the technology stack and token ecosystem through mutual investment. It is reported that the collaboration will also accelerate the development of the Futureverse token ecosystem, which includes ROOT tokens for Root Network, ASTO tokens to power Futureverse's artificial intelligence protocol, and SYLO tokens to facilitate SYLO's communication and social graph protocols. Acc...
Animoca Brands 与元宇宙基础设施公司 Futureverse 达成战略合作,双方将通过相互投资推动技术堆栈和代币生态系统发展。 据悉,此次合作还将加速 Futureverse 代币生态系统的发展,其中包括 Root Network 的 ROOT 代币、为 Futureverse 的人工智能协议提供支持的 ASTO 代币,以及促进 SYLO 的通信和社交图协议的 SYLO 代币。根据谅解备忘录,Futureverse 和 Animoca Brands 打算进行涉及...